SIC Code 7389 - Business Services, Nec Mailing List

There are 198299 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 7389: Business Services, Nec.

Equivalent NAICS Code 312229.

Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing business services, not elsewhere classified, such as bondspersons, drafting services, lecture bureaus, notaries public, sign painting, speakers' bureaus, water softening services, and auctioneering services, on a commission or fee basis. Auctions of used cars and agricultural commodities, such as livestock and produce, are classified in Wholesale Trade.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 7389Business Services, Nec198,299
SIC 738901Personal Service Agents, Brokers, And Bureaus18,255
SIC 738902Inspection And Testing Services7,220
SIC 738903Advertising, Promotional, And Trade Show Services3,910
SIC 738904Textile And Apparel Services855
SIC 738905Reservation Services218
SIC 738906Interior Design Services25,092
SIC 738907Finishing Services217
SIC 738908Mapmaking Services345
SIC 738909Financial Services11,068
SIC 738911Music And Broadcasting Services2,541
SIC 738912Packaging And Labeling Services3,120
SIC 738913Legal And Tax Services1,697
SIC 738914Auction, Appraisal, And Exchange Services5,432
SIC 738915Lettering And Sign Painting Services752
SIC 738916Mailing And Messenger Services4,186
SIC 738917Brokers' Services2,928
SIC 738918Design Services22,091
SIC 738919Metal Cutting Services309


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