SIC Code 738904 - Textile And Apparel Services Mailing List

There are 855 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 738904: Textile And Apparel Services.

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SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 738904Textile And Apparel Services855
SIC 73890401Apparel Designers, Commercial745
SIC 73890402Apparel Pressing Service24
SIC 73890403Batik Work6
SIC 73890404Cloth Cutting, Bolting, Or Winding162
SIC 73890405Corset Representatives, Fitting Only30
SIC 73890406Hand Painting, Textile428
SIC 73890407Hosiery Pairing5
SIC 73890408Rug Binding27
SIC 73890409Styling Of Fashions, Apparel, Furniture, Textiles,384
SIC 7389041Styling, Wigs18
SIC 73890411Textile Designers326
SIC 73890412Textile Folding And Packing Services25
SIC 73890413Textiles, Sponging Or Shrinking19


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