SIC Code 9511 - Air, Water, And Solid Waste Management Mailing List

There are 2443 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 9511: Air, Water, And Solid Waste Management.

Equivalent NAICS Code 924110.

Government establishments primarily engaged in regulation, planning, protection and conservation of air and water resources; solid waste management; water and air pollution control and prevention; flood control; drainage development, and consumption of water resources; coordination of these activities at intergovernmental levels; research necessary for air pollution abatement and control and conservation of water resources. Water systems are classified in Transportation and Public Utilities, Industry 4941. Sewage and refuse systems and other sanitary services are classified in Transportation and Public Utilities, Industry Group 495. Irrigation systems are classified in Transportation and Public Utilities, Industry 4971.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 9511Air, Water, And Solid Waste Management2,443
SIC 951101Environmental Agencies287
SIC 951102Waste Management Agencies346
SIC 951104Air, Water, And Solid Waste Management, Level Of G9


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