SIC Code 8742 - Management Consulting Services Mailing List

There are 49195 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 8742: Management Consulting Services.

Equivalent NAICS Code 541611.

Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing operating counsel and assistance to managements of private, nonprofit, and public organizations. These establishments generally perform a variety of activities, such as strategic and organizational planning; financial planning and budgeting; marketing objectives and policies; information systems planning, evaluation and selection; human resource policies and practices planning; and production scheduling and control planning. These establishments are characterized by the breadth and scope of the problems they address.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 8742Management Consulting Services49,195
SIC 874201Industrial And Labor Consulting Services684
SIC 874202Human Resource Consulting Services3,909
SIC 874203Marketing Consulting Services29,548
SIC 874204Industry Specialist Consultants2,891
SIC 874205Business Planning And Organizing Services2,282


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