SIC Code 49 - Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services Mailing List

There are 27517 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 49: Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services.

This major group includes establishments engaged in the generation, transmission, and/or distribution of electricity or gas or steam. Such establishments may be combinations of any of the above three services and also include other types of services, such as transportation, communications, and refrigeration. Water and irrigation systems, and sanitary systems engaged in the collection and disposal of garbage, sewage, and other wastes by means of destroying or processing materials, are also included. If one service of a combination system does not constitute 95 percent or more of revenues, the establishment should be classified as a combination in Industry Group 493, with the subgroup being determined by the major service supplied.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 49Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services27,517
SIC 491Electric Services5,090
SIC 492Gas Production And Distribution4,189
SIC 493Combination Electric And Gas, And Other Utility Services1,604
SIC 494Water Supply8,827
SIC 495Sanitary Services6,361
SIC 496Steam And Air-conditioning Supply47
SIC 497Irrigation Systems1,399


Marigold Direct can provide you with a Mailing List of Owners and Executives in the Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services Industry. Contact us for more information.

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