SIC Code 4499 - Water Transportation Services, Mailing List

There are 342 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 4499: Water Transportation Services,.

Equivalent NAICS Code 483211.

Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing miscellaneous services incidental to water transportation, not elsewhere classified, such as lighterage, boat hiring, except for pleasure; chartering of vessels; canal operation; ship cleaning, except hold cleaning; and steamship leasing. Establishments primarily engaged in ship hold cleaning are classified in Industry 4491; and those primarily engaged in the operation of charter or party fishing boats or rental of small recreational boats are classified in Services, Industry 7999.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 4499Water Transportation Services,342
SIC 449901Marine Salvaging And Surveying Services73
SIC 449902Water Transportation Cleaning Services112
SIC 449903Boat And Ship Rental And Leasing, Except Pleasure219
SIC 449904Marine Dismantling And Scrapping Services8


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