SIC Code 391101 - Jewelry Apparel Mailing List

There are 614 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 391101: Jewelry Apparel.

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SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 391101Jewelry Apparel614
SIC 39110101Bracelets, Precious Metal66
SIC 39110102Collar/cuff Buttons, Precious/semiprecious Metal O5
SIC 39110103Earrings, Precious Metal21
SIC 39110104Medals, Precious Or Semiprecious Metal49
SIC 39110105Necklaces, Precious Metal28
SIC 39110106Pearl Jewelry, Natural Or Cultured43
SIC 39110107Pins (jewelry), Precious Metal27
SIC 39110108Rings, Finger: Precious Metal132
SIC 39110109Rosaries Or Other Small Religious Articles, Precio27
SIC 3911011Shirt Studs, Precious And Semiprecious Metal Or St4


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