SIC Code 3728 - Aircraft Parts And Equipment, Nec Mailing List

There are 1351 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 3728: Aircraft Parts And Equipment, Nec.

Equivalent NAICS Code 332912.

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment, not elsewhere classified. This industry also includes establishments owned by manufacturers of aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment and primarily engaged in research and development on aircraft parts, whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or assembling complete aircraft are classified in Industry 3721; those manufacturing aircraft engines and parts are classified in Industry 3724; those manufacturing aeronautical instruments are classified in Industry 3812; those manufacturing aircraft engine electrical (aeronautical electrical) equipment are classified in Industry 3694; and those manufacturing guided missile and space vehicle parts and auxiliary equipment are classified in Industry 3769. Establishments not owned by manufacturers of aircraft parts but primarily engaged in research and development on aircraft parts on a contract or fee basis are classified in Services, Industry 8731.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 3728Aircraft Parts And Equipment, Nec1,351
SIC 372801Aircraft Body And Wing Assemblies And Parts48
SIC 372802Aircraft Propellers And Associated Equipment34
SIC 372803Aircraft Landing Assemblies And Brakes21
SIC 372804Military Aircraft Equipment And Armament68
SIC 372805Aircraft Training Equipment23


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