SIC Code 2821 - Plastics Materials And Resins Mailing List

There are 899 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2821: Plastics Materials And Resins.

Equivalent NAICS Code 325211.

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing synthetic resins, plastics materials, and nonvulcanizable elastomers. Important products of this industry include: cellulose plastics materials; phenolic and other tar acid resins; urea and melamine resins; vinyl resins; styrene resins; alkyd resins; acrylic resins; polyethylene resins; polypropylene resins; rosin modified resins; coumarone-indene and petroleum polymer resins; miscellaneous resins, including polyamide resins, silicones, polyisobutylenes, polyesters, polycarbonate resins, acetal resins, and fluorohydrocarbon resins; and casein plastics. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fabricated plastics products or plastics film, sheet, rod, non-textile monofilaments and regenerated cellulose products, and vulcanized fiber are classified in Industry Group 308, whether from purchased resins or from resins produced in the same plant. Establishments primarily engaged in compounding purchased resins are classified in Industry 3087. Establishments primarily manufacturing adhesives are classified in Industry 2891.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2821Plastics Materials And Resins899
SIC 282101Thermosetting Materials24
SIC 282102Thermoplastic Materials88
SIC 282103Cellulose Derivative Materials5
SIC 282104Plasticizer/additive Based Plastic Materials17


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