SIC Code 2752 - Commercial Printing, Lithographic Mailing List

There are 13881 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2752: Commercial Printing, Lithographic.

Equivalent NAICS Code 323110.

Establishments primarily engaged in printing by the lithographic process. The greater part of the work in this industry is performed on a job or custom basis; but in some cases lithographed calendars, maps, posters, decalcomanias, or other products are made for sale. Offset printing, photo-offset printing, and photolithographing are also included in this industry. Establishments primarily engaged in lithographing books and pamphlets, without publishing, are classified in Industry 2732. Establishments primarily engaged in publishing or printing greeting cards are classified in Industry 2771. Establishments primarily engaged in preparing lithographic or offset plates and in related services are classified in Industry 2796. Establishments primarily engaged in providing photocopying services are classified in Services, Industry 7334.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2752Commercial Printing, Lithographic13,881
SIC 275201Offset And Photolithographic Printing466
SIC 275202Promotional Printing, Lithographic127
SIC 275203Business Form And Card Printing, Lithographic284
SIC 275204Calendar And Card Printing, Lithographic20
SIC 275205Atlas And Map Printing, Lithographic9
SIC 275206Poster And Decal Printing, Lithographic21
SIC 275207Tag, Ticket, And Schedule Printing: Lithographic5
SIC 275208Wrapper And Seal Printing, Lithographic8
SIC 275209Publication Printing, Lithographic67


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