SIC Code 2711 - Newspapers Mailing List

There are 6503 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2711: Newspapers.

Equivalent NAICS Code 511110.

Establishments primarily engaged in publishing newspapers, or in publishing and printing newspapers. These establishments carry on the various operations necessary for issuing newspapers, including the gathering of news and the preparation of editorials and advertisements, but may or may not perform their own printing. Commercial printing is frequently carried on by establishments engaged in publishing and printing newspapers, but, even though the commercial printing may be of major importance, such establishments are included in this industry. Establishments not engaged in publishing newspapers, but which print newspapers for publishers, are classified in Industry Group 275. News syndicates are classified in Services, Industry 7383.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2711Newspapers6,503
SIC 271101Newspapers, Publishing And Printing4,383


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