SIC Code 2411 - Logging Mailing List

There are 4012 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2411: Logging.

Equivalent NAICS Code 113310.

Establishments primarily engaged in cutting timber and in producing rough, round, hewn, or riven primary forest or wood raw materials, or in producing wood chips in the field. Independent contractors engaged in estimating or trucking timber, but who perform no cutting operations, are classified in nonmanufacturing industries. Establishments primarily engaged in the collection of bark, sap, gum, and other forest products are classified in Forestry, Major Group 08.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2411Logging4,012
SIC 241101Wooden Bolts, Hewn2
SIC 241102Poles, Posts, And Pilings: Untreated Wood13
SIC 241103Wooden Logs86


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