SIC Code 2253 - Knit Outerwear Mills Mailing List

There are 211 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2253: Knit Outerwear Mills.

Equivalent NAICS Code 313312.

Establishments primarily engaged in knitting outerwear from yarn or in manufacturing outerwear from knit fabrics produced in the same establishment. Establishments primarily engaged in hand knitting outerwear for the trade are included in this industry. Establishments primarily engaged in knitting gloves and mittens are classified in Industry 2259, and those manufacturing outerwear from purchased knit fabrics are classified in Major Group 23.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2253Knit Outerwear Mills211
SIC 225301Warm Weather Knit Outerwear, Including Beachwear7
SIC 225302Cold Weather Knit Outerwear Including Ski Wear13
SIC 225303Lounge, Bed, And Leisurewear25
SIC 225304Dresses And Skirts23
SIC 225305Blouses, Shirts, Pants, And Suits8


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