SIC Code 01 - Agricultural Production-crops Mailing List

There are 188960 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 01: Agricultural Production-crops.

This major group includes establishments (e.g., farms, orchards, greenhouses, nurseries) primarily engaged in the production of crops, plants, vines, and trees (excluding forestry operations). This major group also includes establishments primarily engaged in the operation of sod farms, and cranberry bogs; in the production of mushrooms, bulbs, flower seeds, and vegetable seeds; and in the growing of hydroponic crops. Seeds of field crops are classified in the same industry as crops grown for other purposes.

An establishment primarily engaged in crop production (Major Group 01) is classified in the industry (four-digit) and industry group (three-digit) which accounts for 50 percent or more of the total value of sales for its agricultural production. If the total value of sales for agricultural products of an establishment is less than 50 percent from a single four-digit industry, but 50 percent or more of the value of sales for its agricultural products derives from the products of two or more four-digit industries within the same three-digit industry group, the establishment is classified in the miscellaneous industry of that industry group; otherwise, it is classified as a general crop farm in Industry 0191. Establishments that derive 50 percent or more of the value of sales from horticultural specialties of Industry Group 018 are classified in Industry 0181 or Industry 0182 according to their primary activity.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 01Agricultural Production-crops188,960
SIC 011Cash Grains97,687
SIC 013Field Crops, Except Cash Grains9,326
SIC 016Vegetables And Melons1,746
SIC 017Fruits And Tree Nuts5,744
SIC 018Horticultural Specialties3,016
SIC 019General Farms, Primarily Crop71,441


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