NAICS Code 521110 Mailing List: Monetary Authorities-Central Bank

Please inquire for count.

Equivalent SIC Code 6011.

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in performing central banking functions, such as issuing currency, managing the Nation's money supply and international reserves, holding deposits that represent the reserves of other banks and other central banks, and acting as a fiscal agent for the central government.

This code is related to 921130.

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NAICS CodeDescriptionCount
52Finance and InsuranceInquire
521Monetary Authorities-Central BankInquire
5211Monetary Authorities-Central BankInquire
52111Monetary Authorities-Central BankInquire
521110Monetary Authorities-Central BankInquire


Marigold Direct can provide you with a Mailing List of Owners and Executives in the Monetary Authorities-Central Bank industry. Contact us for more information.

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