A Mailing List of Donors for Medical Cure Research

Individuals that have donated to Causes Seeking Cures for a Variety of Diseases

The Marigold Mailing List of Donors for Medical Cure Research file provides an ideal demographic for targeting individuals throughout the United States that have donated to causes seeking cures for a variety of diseases such as Cancer, MS, AIDS, Cerebral Palsy, and more. Tap into this extremely targeted market of Medical Research Donors today!


Age Of Children+ $5.00/M
Computer Owner+ $5.00/M
Credit Card Buyers+ $5.00/M
Ethnicity+ $5.00/M
Lifestyle Select+ $5.00/M
Marital Status+ $5.00/M
Political Donor+ $5.00/M
SCF+ $5.00/M
State+ $5.00/M
Zip+ $5.00/M

ID Numbers

NextMark ID: 242323
mIn ID: M131337
SRDS ID: 886897

List Information

Total Count:342,666
Base Price:$100/M
Minimum Purchase:$500

List Types Available

Postal Mail

List Maintenance

New to market06/08/2007
Update frequencyMonthly

Addressing Options

Mailing Labels$10/

Delivery Options

Email Delivery $50/F



NameBen  DeLisle
RoleList Manager
Phone(646) 442-2077
Fax(888) 761-8817

Are you interested in marketing to a specific subset, demographic, or geographic area of this list? Request a count for the segment you are looking for and we will respond promptly and professionally with the count that matches your exact criteria.