Category Archives: Direct Mail

Using consumer education in direct marketing campaigns

Consumers react to an offer when it intersects with their own interests: You’ll get a response when they want your service, want your product, or simply want more information about you to act on in the future. The trick, particularly … Continue reading

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Segment your mailing list to increase ROI

Think for a moment about how people “market” in every day life: for instance, how they go about getting buy-in for a new project from others at work or from their families at home. Do they emphasize the same selling … Continue reading

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All about location: Regionally targeted direct mail campaigns

The phrase “location, location, location” used to be associated with retail and referred to brick-and-mortar stores. Today this catch-phrase is relevant to direct mail marketing as well. It refers to the location not of your business but of the consumers … Continue reading

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Direct mail: Making those click-throughs count

In the increasingly complex world of online marketing, having a targeted mailing list and a sending a great email offer are as important as ever. But a third factor has emerged as a critical determinant of direct marketing ROI: the … Continue reading

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Direct mail: Targeting the “long tail”

Earlier this week we wrote about Web 2.0 and promised to follow up with posts about some of the specific implications it has for direct mail. The first of these follow-ups deals with a growing audience of consumers Wired magazine … Continue reading

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Direct marketing: Reaching the seasonal customer

Your direct mail offer is compelling and your lists target the ideal audience. In short, you’ve taken into consideration the major factors in your control when it comes to increasing response to your campaign. But what about that big factor … Continue reading

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New media: Challenging direct marketers to think “outside of the mailbox”

Recognize that fellow in the airport waiting area, pulling out a PDA to check web-based email and an RSS newsreader? Does the woman listening to the videocast of a celebrity chef on her iPod look familiar? Take a good look. … Continue reading

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New businesses lists: Who’s new — and ready to hear from you

This month’s featured list at Marigold is one that should be of keen interest to many B2B direct marketers. Updated weekly with the freshest information, BizConnections is a mailing list of new business phone activations that provides targeted access to … Continue reading

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Direct mail: Targeting the right business customers

Moving from business-to-consumer (B2C) direct mail marketing into business-to-business (B2B) direct mail means entering a new, exciting, and highly complex world. One of the keys to getting the response you want in this busy environment is targeting your message to … Continue reading

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Does your website welcome direct mail customers?

Everyone knows how annoying it is to rush out to a special event, then waste time trying to find it because the directions are vague. In some cases, you just give up trying to find it and go somewhere else. … Continue reading

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