Author Archives: mgadmin

Email direct marketing delivers the best ROI

We’ve blogged in the past about rising postal costs driving direct marketers to consider email marketing. Now a new study from the Direct Marketing Association puts forward yet another reason to consider email: It delivers the best ROI. The DMA … Continue reading

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How fresh are your B2B mailing list addresses?

B2B direct mail is one tough environment. Today’s workforce is highly mobile, meaning that addresses go cold quickly unless mailing lists are frequently validated and updated. Even the best-crafted B2B offer can return disappointing results unless lists are carefully built … Continue reading

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Don’t let spam filters block your email campaign

Spam filters are at work at every level of the Internet, from ISPs to corporations to personal computers. We’ve all been annoyed by spam emails that are gibberish, or, worse, emails phishing for click-throughs to shady websites. Unfortunately, perfectly legitimate … Continue reading

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Tricks for treating your direct mail customers

The neighborhood kids who turn up on your doorstep at Halloween interact with you for just a few moments, but all year long they remember which houses splurged on holiday decorations and which people gave them really good, brand-name candy. … Continue reading

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Latest forecasts: slowdown in marketing spending

Two major reports this week indicate that growth in direct marketing spending will begin to slow in 2007. The Direct Marketing Association’s annual forecast, The Power of Direct Marketing, shows growth rates in direct marketing spending down in 2007 from … Continue reading

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Direct marketing by email: Brush up on CAN-SPAM compliance

Direct marketers want to get the message out to the largest audience possible. But anti-spam laws (provisions of the federal CAN-SPAM act, and state regulations) carry stiff penalties for marketers who try to make email contact with consumers who haven’t … Continue reading

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New direct mail list identifies telecom consumers by ISP

Hot news for all of you marketing telecom services: Marigold’s new mailing list Broadband America, gives direct marketers the unprecedented ability to identify more than 31 million consumers by broadband service provider (ISP). Broadband America is the ideal list for … Continue reading

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Using consumer education in direct marketing campaigns

Consumers react to an offer when it intersects with their own interests: You’ll get a response when they want your service, want your product, or simply want more information about you to act on in the future. The trick, particularly … Continue reading

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Segment your mailing list to increase ROI

Think for a moment about how people “market” in every day life: for instance, how they go about getting buy-in for a new project from others at work or from their families at home. Do they emphasize the same selling … Continue reading

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Increase email campaign ROI by testing your subject lines

First impressions are critical. A great email subject line gets your offer opened and, at the very least, skimmed. A ho-hum subject line triggers the Delete response. You’ll notice that subject lines for direct marketing emails can usually be grouped … Continue reading

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